Abstract Guidelines
(We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox when submitting abstracts).
ESCMID strongly supports the improvements of reporting of study results. For this reason, all Authors submitting randomized clinical trials (RCT), infection control intervention studies (including studies to improve compliance with interventions such as antibiotic stewardship, hand hygiene or care bundles), outbreak reports of nosocomial infection, and observational studies in epidemiology are kindly requested to consult the following abstract checklists (please click on the respective link to download the document) for reporting their research results:
- STROBE (observational study in epidemiology)
- ORION (infection control intervention study or nosocomial infection outbreak report)
Abstract submitters will need to indicate on the abstract submission form which checklist was used.
Further information on these checklists is available at: www.equator-network.org
1. Abstracts may be submitted online only. Abstracts submitted via fax or email will not be accepted.
2. All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English using UK English spelling.
3. Abstracts must contain original material neither published nor presented elsewhere prior to 10 May 2014.
4. Please structure your abstract using the following headings:
- Objectives
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
5. The abstract text may not be longer than maximum 450 words. Tables, charts and other graphics are permitted and must be in JPG format and of high resolution – a separate upload button is provided (max. 1 graphic per abstract).
6. Avoid complex mathematical formulae. For the symbols ≤ or ≥ type instead <= or >=. For superscript use caret (^) e.g. 10^6 instead of 106. Do not use Greek letters and symbols. Instead of ‘IFN- γ’ use for example ‘IFN-g’ or ‘IFN-gamma’.
7. Spelling Guidelines: The International System of Units (SI) should be used wherever appropriate. Genus and species names should be written in full on first mention and then abbreviated on subsequent mention.
The following general rules apply (examples in brackets):
- Italicising: please italicise genus and species names (Staphylococcus, E. coli) and latin phrases (in vitro, ad hoc).
- Systematic names (genus, family and higher orders): capitalised (Chlamydia, Enterobacteriaceae, Picornaviridae).
- Non-systematic names (e.g. plural): lower case (Group A streptococci, mycobacteria, chlamydiae).
- Generic drug names: lower case (penicillin).
- Brand names: capitalised with trademark symbol (Rocephin®).
- Diseases and viruses: lower case (hepatitis, herpes zoster, herpesvirus, West Nile virus).
- Please observe standard English grammar rules including a space after full stops and commas.
- Only common abbreviations approved for use by CMI can be used without definition. For details consult the CMI subpage of the ESCMID website.
8. Authors should indicate their presentation preference:
- oral or poster presentation
- poster only
- publication only
9. Authors are asked to enter 3 keywords to better define the abstract content.
10. After having submitted your abstract, you will receive a confirmation by email with your personal access codes (please make sure to state your correct email address!). Should you wish to make corrections to an abstract already submitted or if you wish to submit other abstracts later, you may use your personal access codes.
Corrections to abstracts can only be made up to the deadline of 10 December 2013. If you do not receive a confirmation by email please contact the Abstract Team at eccmid.abstracts[at]kenes.com
11. Abstracts will be subject to a blind peer review by at least 3 members of the Programme Committee and external experts.
12. Authors will be notified of acceptance by 5 February 2014 by email.
13. Abstract authors must register for the congress by 24 February 2014 or advise us of withdrawal by this date.
Registration ensures publication.
The presenting author only, of accepted abstracts is entitled to the early registration fee if registered before 24 February 2014.
If the listed presenting author has not registered by 24 February 2014, the abstract will be automatically removed from the programme.
14. If an abstract is accepted, the presenting author must attend the congress and present it in person.
If a presenting author withdraws an abstract after 24 February 2014 or does not attend the session for which he or she has been scheduled, a penalty will incur prohibiting the author from presenting papers at ECCMID meetings for a period of 3 years. Those subject to this penalty will be informed in writing.
If you have difficulties in submitting your abstracts or if you need any further information, please contact the Abstract Team: eccmid.abstracts[at]kenes.com or Call Center: Tel: +442070482013.