Sponsor Benefits
I would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to the 24th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. This leading event will be taking place in Barcelona, Spain from 10 - 13 May 2014 and we believe it would be an excellent opportunity to meet with the leading scientists and clinicians involved in the treatment and research of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
ECCMID 2014 is expecting participation from more than 90 countries worldwide and includes clinical microbiology and infectious disease specialists.
Please feel free to contact me so that we can discuss your individual needs with regards to sponsorship and exhibition. By booking early you will benefit from:
- Electronic list of pre-registered participants (delivery dates to be announced by the Supporter)
- Priority Choice: integrated symposia
- Priority Choice: hotel booking
- Priority Choice: exhibition space
- Supporter’s logo (company’s logo only) with hyperlink on Congress website
- Symposia invitation that will be sent to pre-registered participants via an email blast s (approximately 2 weeks prior to the congress to participants who agreed to receive such notifications only)
- Supporter’s logo (company’s logo only) in the Programme
- Congress registrations included
- Admission tickets to the VIP Lounge
- Acknowledgement on Supporters’ Board on-site
I look forward to discussing this further.
Kind regards
Maya Ravinsky Yatsiv
Industry Liaison
Tel: +41 22 9080488
Fax: +41 22 9069140
Email: myatsiv[at]kenes.com