General information A-Z
Kenes International will obtain special accommodation rates for Congress participants.
May in Barcelona experiences warm days with sunny, clear skies. The average daytime temprature is around 20°C (68. F).
CME Accreditation
ECCMID is applying for CME Accreditation of the 24th ECCMID Congress. Updates regarding the number of CME credits will be posted on the website when information becomes available.
A commercial and industrial exhibition will take place within the framework of the congress.
The official language of the congress is English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.
Liability and Insurance
The organiser is not able to take any responsibility whatsoever for injury or damage involving persons and property during the congress. Participants are advised to take out their own personal travel and health insurance for their trip.
Official Letter of Invitation
Please click here to receive a personal letter of invitation for the 24th ECCMID congress. Alternatively, upon request, the Congress Secretariat will send a personal invitation that can be used to assist participants to raise travel funds or to obtain a visa. The invitation is not a commitment on the part of the organisers to provide any financial support. Applications for invitation letters from the secretariat must be received at least 6 weeks prior to the congress.
Opening Ceremony and Networking Reception
The Opening Ceremony will be held on Saturday, 10 May 2014 at 19:00 in Hall A of the CCIB and will be followed by the Networking Reception in the Foyer of Hall A.
Organising Secretariat
Kenes International
1-3 rue de Chantepoulet, PO Box 1726
1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 908 0488 +41 22 908 0488 FREE
Fax: +41 22 906 9140
E-mail: eccmid[at]kenes.com
Website: www.eccmid.org
Sponsorship & Exhibition Sales & Liaison
Ms. Maya Yatsiv
Kenes International
1-3 rue de Chantepoulet, PO Box 1726
CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 908 0488 +41 22 908 0488 FREE
Fax: +41 22 906 9140
E-mail: myatsiv[at]kenes.com
Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona (CCIB)
Placa de Willy Brandt, 11-14
08019 Barcelona, Spain
How to Reach the Congress Venue by Public Transportation
You can access the CCIB on the metro (Maresme-Fòrum station on the yellow line, L4); by bus (lines 7, 36, 41, 43 and 141) and the Trambesòs tram line (Forum station). All of these means of transport are just a few minutes' walk from the CCIB.
Taking a Taxi from the Airport
Journeys by taxi from the airport take about 20 minutes. Rates vary, depending on the time of the day (T1 rate for night-time and weekend/public holidays, and T2 rate for day-time journeys).Additional charges are applied for airport services and luggage.
The bus service from the airport to the city centre (Plaza Cataluña) runs from 06:00 to 01:00 pm (Barcelona-bound) and from 05:30 to 00:15 am (airport-bound) every day.
Visa Requirements
Participants are requested to check with the Spanish consulate in their home country or with their travel agency for visa requirements. It is the responsibility of the participant to obtain a visa in advance if required.
Poster Printing Service
The ECCMID Call4Posters submission website
For assistance regarding the printing service, please contact: