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e-Poster Instructions
Save your document as a PDF file format
- Language: All e-posters should be created in the English Language
- Layout: Landscape
- Size of Poster: One page (A4) maximum. Anything longer than a one-page document will not be saved in the system.
- In Pixels, the minimum recommended size is 2000 x 2000px and the maximum is 4000 x 4000px.
- In bytes, the maximum file size is 4 Megabytes (4MB)
- File Format: Save your file as PDF in order to upload the e-poster
- Pictures and graphs/tables: Pictures, graphs/tables can be included in the file
*video and music cannot be included in the file.
In order to download the e-Poster template in landscape orientation please click here
To upload your ePoster PDF for the ESCMID Online Library, please click here.