Welcome Letter
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is a great pleasure and privilege to invite you to the 24th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Barcelona, Spain, 10 – 13 May 2014. The steady growth in importance of ECCMID challenges us to even further increase the excellence of this congress. To achieve this goal the Program Committee has prepared for a series of keynote lectures, symposium, educational workshops and meet-the-expert sessions on parallel tracks, covering the entire field of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology.
Barcelona's International Convention Centre forms part of the new technological and business district known as "22@", one of the city's best developed urban areas, which includes a selection of hotels and communications and transport network that seamlessly connects it to the rest of the city. Modern installations, architectural beauty and seaside location makes Barcelona's International Convention Centre truly unique as one of the largest convention centres in Southern Europe. With a built surface area of 100,000 sqm including the Convention Centre and the Forum Auditorium, the centre can welcome up to 15,000 delegates.
We look forward to seeing you all in Barcelona.