Exhibitors List
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Company | Booth # |
Abbott | 21 |
Accelerate Diagnostics | 63 |
Ademtech | 144 |
Advanced Instruments Inc. | 47 |
AdvanDx | 16 |
Alere | 30A |
Alifax s.p.a. | 28 |
Alpha-Tec Systems, Inc. | 8 |
Altona Diagnostics GmbH | 128 |
American Society for Microbiology | 68A |
Amplex BioSystems GmbH | 17 |
Anagnostics Bioanalysis | 135 |
Ani Labsystems Ltd. | 74 |
Antimicrobial Therapy Inc. | 23A |
Applied Maths NV | 57b |
APSIC | 143 |
ArcDia International Ltd. | 52 |
Associates of Cape Cod Inc. (ACCIUK) | 86 |
Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. | 4 |
Astrazeneca | 20 |
Atlas | 82 |
Basilea Pharmaceutica | 124 |
BD Diagnostics | 3 |
Beckman Coulter | 59B |
Biocomposites | 98 |
BioFire Diagnostics Inc. | 38 |
Biokit S.A. | 65 |
Biolegio | 149 |
BioMed Diagnostics (New Trail Consulting) | 78 |
BioMerieux | 2 |
Bio-Rad | 125 |
Biovendor Laboratorni | 136 |
Bruker Daltonik GmbH | 32 |
BSAC | 106 |
CareFusion | 43 |
Ceeram | 141 |
Cempra | 103 |
Cepheid Europe SAS | 5 |
Certest Biotec S.L. | 70A |
Check-Points | 49 |
Congress Care (ECMM) | 114 |
Coris Bioconcept | 139 |
Copan Italia | 58 |
Cubist Pharmaceuticals | 1 |
Curetis AG | 39 |
Daangene Co., Ltd. | 99 |
Data Information Intelligence | 96 |
Deltalab & NTE Healthcare | 24 |
Diagenode | 64 |
DiaSorin | 66 & 68 |
E & 0 Laboratories | 91 |
ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) | 145 |
EliTech Group | 23B |
Elsevier | 155 |
ESGNI | 116 |
Eumedica | 30B |
Euprotec Limited | 80 |
Euroimmun AG | 40 |
Fast-Track Diagnostics | 72 |
Finbiosoft | 95 |
Focus Diagnostics | 57 |
Gama Healthcare | 123 |
GenePOC | 89 |
Genetic Signatures | 51 |
GenMark Diagnostics | 122A |
Genomica S.A.U | 73 |
Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd. | 33 |
GSK | 11 |
Greiner Bio-One GmbH | 75 |
Hain Lifescience Spain | 34 |
Hologic Inc. | 36 |
I2A | 13 |
IDEXX | 140 |
IDSA | 152 & 153 |
IHMA Europe Sarl | 92 |
Immundiagnostik AG | 85 |
Impact Marketing | 14 |
ISID | 110 |
KWS BioTest | 158 |
Laboratorios Conda | 137 |
LGC Group | 122 |
Liofilchem | 26 |
Lophius Biosciences | 88 |
Luminex B.V. | 23 |
Maney Publishing | 109 |
Mast Group LTD | 6 |
Merck | 30 |
Medical Wire & Equipment Co Ltd | 79 |
Meridian Bioscience Europe SRL | 61 |
Microbiologics | 154 |
Microbiology & Infection Tranlational Research Group | 111 |
Micronics | 46 |
Mikrogen GmbH | 7 |
Molzym GmbH | 45 |
Nanosphere | 84 |
Novartis Pharma AG | 19 |
NovaTec Immundiagnostica GmbH | 41 |
OLM Diagnostics | 94 |
Operon, S.A. | 150 |
Ophardt Hygiene - Technik GmbH | 60 |
Oxford Immunotec Ltd. | 157 |
Oxford University Press | 93 |
Pathofinder | 57A |
Perkin Elmer | 55A |
Pfizer | 22 |
Pharma Mix Group | 107 |
Pilots Point LCC AKSA Medical | 10 |
Pocared Diagnostics | 56 |
Pro-Implant Foundation | 108 |
Public Health England | 12 |
Qiagen | 27 |
Qnostics | 138 |
Quidel | 148 |
R-Biopharm | 69 |
Randox Laboratories | 130 |
Roche Molecular | 18 |
Sarstedt, SAU | 70 |
Savyon Diagnostics | 81 |
Seegene Inc. | 53 |
Sekisui Virotech | 151 |
Serosep | 134 |
Liferiver Bio-Tech (United States) Corp | 77 |
Shell Lab | 62 |
Siemens (with Copan Italia) | 31 |
Sifin Diagnostics | 97 |
Sigma-Aldrich | 29 |
Society for General Microbiology | 112 |
Statens Serum Institute | 71 |
Stratec Biomedical AG | 156 |
Taylor and Francis | 142 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | 55 |
Tiajin Era Biology Engineering | 59A |
Trinity Biotech | 9 |
T2 Biosystems Inc. | 26A |
UK NEQAS | 90 |
UMC Utrecht | 76 |
Vela Diagnostics Germany GmbH | 131 |
Vircell | 67 |
Virion-Serion | 127 |
Wiley | 117 |
Wisepress | 92A |
Wulffe Entre- Orion Diagnostica | 48 |
Wulffe Entre -Labquality | 87 |
Wulffe Entre -Mobidiag LTD | 129 |