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Oral presenters
As a speaker you are kindly requested to upload your presentation prior to the conference to a protected server of the ESCMID’s trusted service provider, M Events Cross Media GmbH. A mailing will be sent out with all the instructions for submitting your presentation material.
Presentation Technology
The lecture hall will be equipped with a laptop and a data projector. To assure high service quality and a near seamless transition between different talks and speakers, a network-based presentation system will be used along with a conference specific interface.
Presentation format
Only presentations in MS-PowerPoint 2010 or earlier versions (*.ppt and *.pptx) with a screen ratio of 4:3 will be accepted. Please note that presentations attached to e-mails cannot be processed. If you are using PowerPoint 2007 or older versions please do not forget to upload as well your video files as they cannot be embedded into the presentation.
All uploaded material will pass through a technical verification and detailed online support is available during the upload process.
You may at all-time send additional files, make changes on files you sent and download your files again from any computer you use.
Speakers' Ready Room
Once on-site a speakers' ready room will be available every day throughout the congress, where you may check, change or upload your presentation at least 3 hours before the start of the session. Our staff, together with you, will take a final look at your material and help you upload it.
Please note that personal notebooks cannot be connected in the lecture hall.
Please note that VHS Video projection, 35 mm’ slide projection and overhead projection (projection of transparencies) will not be available.
If you have any technical questions related to your presentation, please feel free to contact M Events Cross Media GmbH at: eccmid2014[at]m-events.com.
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